Do you know what it feels like to be in a different country in which you don’t have mobile data on your phone and only depend on free public Wifi, such as in parks, coffee shops or in the hotel?
Nowadays, being disconnected for a while might be a great way to relax. However, in the end most of us want to be able to talk to our family & friends at home or to quickly upload that incredible shot on Instagram from your Peru tour.
When travelling to Peru, fortunately it’s very easy to get a SIM card allowing you to be connected most of the time. I say “most of the time” on purpose as in more rural parts of the country you just won’t get any service.
In the following, we’ll show you the different steps how to get a SIM card in Peru.
Table of contents: |
Checklist Before Buying Your Sim Card
Before actually buying a SIM card, let’s make sure you can check off the following two points:
- Your phone is unlocked so that you can use a SIM card.
- Make sure your phone uses the Global System for Mobiles (GSM) network. There is no need to worry about this point if you have an iPhone 6 or later, a Samsung Galaxy S7 or later, a Google Pixel or a Motorola G4 or later as they work on the GSM and the CDMA mobile networks.*
*Apart from the GSM network there is also the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) network, however most countries in South America, including Peru, use the GSM network.

In front of the Claro store in Miraflores on Avenida Larco
Our Personal Recommendation: Get a Claro Sim Card
Based on our experience and after living in Peru for almost 5 years, we all still use and recommend using CLARO (note: there is no affiliation between Exploor Peru and Claro and this is not a sponsored post, just our personal opinion in order to give you the best advice).
Why? Well, first of all it’s super easy and cheap to purchase their SIM card (see steps below).
Second, it’s easy to top up a Claro SIM card in official claro shops but also in small shops (called “tiendas” or “bodegas”) and even in pharmacies, gas stations or supermarkets.
Third, the national coverage is one of the strongest in Peru and you’ll have service in most of the country.
However, remember that Peru is a developing country and there are still many rural places without any service.

Inside the Claro Store in Miraflores on Avenida Larco
Now, let’s take a closer look at the exact steps of how to buy a SIM card in Peru (no matter if you want to buy a sim card in Lima or in Cusco, the steps are the same).
5 Steps of How to Buy a Sim Card in Peru
- Enter an official Claro store (f.e. the Claro store in Miraflores, Lima, or the Claro store in Cusco). Let the staff know that you are looking for a prepaid SIM card (in Spanish: “Quiero una tarjeta SIM prepago, por favor.”). They will give you a ticket with a number on it.
- Wait your turn until they call your number and then go to the respective counter.
- Give them your passport/ID and your turned off phone.
- Pay 5 Soles (equivalent to $1.50) and you will receive your new sim card, which the staff will put in your phone.
- Add additional credit right away so you don’t have to worry about it later. You have the following options for internet plans:
Plans | Validity | MB included | Cost | Send SMS Code |
Internet Plan 100 MB | 30 days | 100 MB | S/ 3 ($0.9) | 3S to 779 |
Internet Plan 200 MB | 30 days | 200 MB | S/ 5 ($1.5) | 5S to 779 |
Internet Plan 500 MB | 30 days | 500 MB | S/ 10 ($3) | 10S to 779 |
Internet Plan 1 GB | 30 days | 1024 MB | S/ 20 ($6) | 20S to 779 |
Internet Plan 3 GB | 30 days | 3072 MB | S/ 30 ($9) | 30S to 779 |
For more info, you can visit the website of Claro.
We recommend getting an internet plan. If you also want to have money on your phone to do calls just put some additional credit on it.
How to Top Up Your Phone
Once you made up your mind for one of the options above, just the let the staff know how much money you would like to put on your phone and hand them the respective amount. For example. if you top up your phone with 30 Soles, just say “Una recarga de 30 soles, por favor.”
Once your phone has been topped up successfully, you will receive a text message from “779” (Claro).
In order to activate your internet plan, just send a text message to 779 with the corresponding SMS code listed above.
You will receive a confirmation by Claro as soon as your internet plan has been activated (as in the screenshot below).

In order tocheck how many MB you have already used from your internet plan, just send a text message with “Saldo” to 779 and Claro will send you all the necessary details, such as how much money you still have on your phone, until when your credit/internet plan is valid and how much MB you have used already.
By the way, sending text messages to 779 is free of charge.

As said, you don’t always have to go to an official Claro store in order to top up your phone. You can also do this at gas stations, supermarkets, pharmacies or small tiendas/bodegas that offer top ups for Claro sim cards (most of them have small Claro signs at the doors).
The process is basically the same: You tell them that you’d like to top up your phone with XX Soles (“una recarga de XX soles, por favor”).
Then, they ask you for your number so make sure you have it written down for this case. Either they have an official system or a small Claro cell phone with which they will be able to top up your phone.
Once you have money on your phone, you will receive a text from 779 and you are good to go.
In general, Peruvian cell phone numbers are 9 digit numbers and +51 is the prefix. Below, we listed some emergency numbers just in case:
Category | Phone Numbers |
Police | 105 |
Emergency calls | 112 |
Civil Defense | 115 |
Fire Department | 116 |
Ambulance | 116 |
Is It Worth It Buying a Sim Card When Traveling to Peru?
As you can see, buying a Sim card in Peru is not difficult at all if you follow the steps outlined above.
Whether you need one depends on your personal preference and your mobile data usage. If you’re looking forward to disconnect from your cell phone during your travels it would be better not to get a SIM card, whereas it would be a good idea if you are the type of person that loves sharing pictures, videos etc. with others immediately.
Many bars, restaurants and hotels offer free wifi so this will always be a chance to reconnect.
In general, we think it’s definitely a good idea because you’re always connected in case of emergencies or if you want to search something online, such as restaurant recommendations or indications where to go.
We’d be happy to hear about any other tips or experiences from your side.
Nathalie 20 March, 2025 at 2:47 am
Se puede llamar a Francia y Inglaterra de Peru con las tarjetas SIM de Claro que describes?
Mil gracias
Oliver from Exploor 20 March, 2025 at 5:21 pm
Sí, con las tarjetas SIM de Claro que mencioné, se puede llamar a Francia e Inglaterra desde Perú. Sin embargo, te recomendaría revisar los planes o tarifas internacionales de Claro para asegurarte de que las llamadas internacionales estén incluidas o conocer los costos exactos. En los paquetes de “Minutos ilimitados” no están incluidas llamadas internacionales.
Saskia 14 January, 2025 at 6:56 pm
Hallöchen, vielleicht kannst du mir helfen :
Ich habe letztes Jahr in Ecuador eine Claro Sim Karte gekauft und frage mich, ob ich die auch in Peru benutzen kann?
LG, Saskia
Oliver from Exploor 16 January, 2025 at 9:53 am
Hallo Saskia! Die Claro SIM-Karte, die du in Ecuador gekauft hast, sollte auch in Peru funktionieren, da Claro in beiden Ländern aktiv ist. Allerdings könnten zusätzliche Roaming-Gebühren anfallen, da du die Karte außerhalb des ursprünglichen Kauflandes nutzt. Es könnte sich lohnen, direkt bei Claro nachzufragen oder eine lokale SIM-Karte in Peru zu kaufen, um Kosten zu sparen. Die lokale SIM-Karte hier kostet lediglich 5 Soles, also sollte dies kein Problem sein. 🙂
LG aus Lima,
Daniela 15 September, 2023 at 6:34 am
Hallo, ist es auch möglich eine SIM-Karte für Peru in Deutschland zu kaufen und zu aktivieren??
Oliver from Exploor 15 September, 2023 at 12:02 pm
Hey Daniela! Dies haben wir noch nie probiert und demnach glauben wir, dass das nicht möglich ist. Die normalen peruanischen Prepaid Sim Karten von z.b. Claro oder Movistar sind lediglich in Peru zu erhalten.
Viele Grüße,
María José 25 August, 2023 at 8:25 pm
Llegué a Perú hoy y pregunté en dos operadores (Entel y Bitel) y nos dijeron que solo lo venden con pasaporte o carné extranjería. Yo viaje con mi cédula chilena. ¿Puedo comprar con ese documento en Claro? Porque los otros dos operadores no me quisieron vender
Oliver from Exploor 28 August, 2023 at 10:53 am
Hola María José. Normalmente piden pasaporte, DNI peruano o carné extranjería para el registro, en Claro también.
Maty maricielo 17 August, 2023 at 9:29 am
Es bueno y yo quisiera un chip de 5 soles y
Israel 19 June, 2023 at 10:00 am
Buenos días! Es posible comprar un chip SIM en Claro sin tener un DNI? Podré activar un plan sin tener un DNI peruano? Gracias!
Oliver from Exploor 19 June, 2023 at 11:32 am
Hola Israel! Si, es posible. Puedes comprar un chip SIM con tu pasaporte o carné extranjería, no hay problema.
Patricia 4 January, 2023 at 7:40 am
Hola, se puede comprar en el aeropuerto una tarjeta SIM simplemente para tener datos durante 15 días? hay varias tiendas fáciles de encontrar allí sin que tengan que ser de una compañía telefónica?
Oliver from Exploor 5 January, 2023 at 5:26 pm
Hola Patricia! No estamos seguros si siguen vendiendo esas tarjetas y que tan buenas son. Las tarjetas SIM de CLARO u otra empresa telefónica puedes encontrar en cualquier ciudad en Peru y en verdad la activación es muy fácil. 🙂 Cualquier pregunta adicional nos avisas. Buen viaje!
Carolyn 1 January, 2023 at 2:05 pm
I bought a Peru Sim card and would just like to warn everyone, once you’ve bought it, there’s NO customer service whatsoever. No guidance as to who you can or can’t contact and how (it turns out the only way you can communicate with anyone outside of Peru is via whatsapp), no help if you get a text that appears to pertain to your account in a language you can’t read. All you can do is use whatsapp to contact a useless automated “helper” that tells you a human will respond in the chat “in a few minutes” — and wait as the hours go by…
It would have been far easier and cheaper to just have my hotels make the few Peru-internal phone calls I needed to make.
Oliver from Exploor 3 January, 2023 at 12:35 pm
Hey Carolyn, thanks for your comment! Sorry to hear you had a bad experience with a Peruvian SIM card for international calls. It’s true what you say, many times the customer service is really bad in these large Peruvian companies. For international calls, I’d rather recommend using Skype as this is really cheap and always works. For national calls, texts and internet data, a Peruvian SIM is sufficient.
All the best for your future travels 🙂
Tomasz 2 August, 2022 at 12:55 pm
What do you think about eSim cards – what range and coverage they have and whether they support 3G and 2G. I have an iPhone 11 and I could use one internet device with eSim, calls and text messages from my regular card.
Oliver from Exploor 3 August, 2022 at 9:05 pm
Hey Tomasz, yeah sure this is also possible. From what I’ve heard most companies work with Claro (the most reliable operator with up to 5G in Lima f.e.) or Movistar. Hope this helps 🙂
Hariram 11 December, 2022 at 10:13 am
Are the rates and plans mentioned above still good/correct?
Konsti from Exploor Peru 19 December, 2022 at 1:05 am
Hello Hariram,
thanks for your comment and yes, all rates and plans mentioned above are still good.
gabriele 29 July, 2022 at 5:18 pm
euer blog ist echt super und hilfreich! danke für die vielen details – bis hin zu den spanischen fragen👍🏼! zur simkarte habe ich jetzt eine frage: was haltet ihr von der Peru SIM, die von der touristen info u.a. in lima angeboten wird?
Oliver from Exploor 29 July, 2022 at 7:56 pm
Vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar, Gabriele. Die Peru SIM ist auch eine gute Option, da sie unbegrenzte Minuten, SMS und ein gutes Datenvolumen (je nach ausgewähltem Plan) anbietet. Außerdem läuft Sie auf dem Claro Netz, was das wohl zuverlässigste in Peru ist. Im direkten Vergleich zu einer Claro SIM ist die Peru SIM etwas teurer. Ich hoffe das hilft dir weiter, ansonsten schreib uns gerne nochmal. Liebe Grüße und eine tolle Zeit in Peru, Oliver
Javier 12 June, 2022 at 2:30 pm
Excellent comments and thank you for the recommendations.
Oliver from Exploor 12 June, 2022 at 5:39 pm
Hey Javier! Glad it helps, thank you for reading our blog! 🙂
Livia 4 September, 2021 at 10:56 am
Quiero una tarjeta SIM